Monday, March 25, 2019

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Grade 1 Math

The Week of March 25

Vocabulary:picture graph,bar graph

 This week  we will  review time to the hour and half hour. We will start a new chapter on representing data using picture graph.We will make a picture graph with symbols that represent and interprets information..We will learn that a picture graph uses pictures to represent data and  the label shows what it is representing.We will practice to read data from a picture graph.

Monday, March 18, 2019

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Grade 1 Math

The Week of March 18

Vocabulary:hour hand, minute hand, hour, half hour

 This week  we will  be work to tell times to the hour and half hour using analog and digital clocks. We will practice with our practice clocks. Students will learn how the hour hand takes more time to move than the minute hand. Students will use the hour hand to draw and write times on analog and digital clocks.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Image result for st patrick's day

Grade 1 Math

The Week of March 11

Vocabulary:long, longer, longest, short, shorter, shortest
 This week  we will start a new chapter on measurements. We will compare the lengths of different objects in our classroom. Students will use non standard measurement units like color tiles, paperclips to measure classroom objects.

Monday, March 4, 2019

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Grade 1 Math

The Week of March 4

 This week students will practice adding two digit numbers and take a chapter test. We will start a new lesson on measurements..We will compare things in our classroom using the terms long, short, longer and shorter.
We will complete worksheets.