Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Image result for spring images

The Week of March 26, 2018

Group 1
Spelling words: go, home, hole, joke, rope, bone, stove, no
Vocabulary word:around, bring, show, carry, because, think, light, before

Practice words with long o (CVCe).Read CBo's Big Space Trip and answer the questions in write in reader.
Discuss about outer space and How Astronauts make it up to the space. .Read the informational text Let's Go To The Moon  and learn what astronauts do in outer space We will look for photos and captions in the lesson while we read.
Group 2
Spelling words::happy,pretty,baby,very,lucky,puppy,funny,carry,only,sunny,penny, city
Vocabulary words:accepted, express, taught, grand, pretend, prize, wonder, fluttering

Students will learn that the  letter y can stand for the sound of long e at the end  of a word that has two or more syllables
Practice adding was and were in sentences the correct way..
Discuss the  importance of reading and writing and learn that a biography tells about  events in a persons life.we will read the biography My Name is Gabriela  and discuss the essential questions while we read.
Group 3-

Spelling words:mood, wooden, smooth, blue, chew, balloon, true, crooked, cool, drew Bonus:blew, loose
Vocabulary words:scolding, greedily, ignores, hesitation, burden, glancing, base, console, drowsy, heroic
Students will learn that the letters oo stand for the ou sound as in moon.They will learn that letter combinations ew, ue, ou, and ui can stand for the /oo/ sound in words.
Practice words with /oo/ sounds.
Discuss how myths are related to certain things and culture of the people .we will  read a myth Two bear Cubs that is written as a play. We will look how the character's actions in the play create a sequence of events to tell a story.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Image result for winter images

The Week of March 12, 2018

Group 1
Spelling words: came, make, brave, late, gave, shape
Vocabulary word:four, five, into, over, starts, three, two, watch

Practice words with long a (CVCe).
Read the lesson The Big race and discuss the importance to have rules in the story.Read Tate's Cakes and find words with long a sounds.Discuss past tense verbs, to add -ed at the end to the verb.
Group 2
Spelling words:pinned, cutting, sitting, rubbed, missed, grabbed,mixed,swelling, mopping, skipped
Vocabulary words:received, account, budget, disappointed, chuckled, staring, repeated, fund

Practice spelling and vocabulary words.
Practice adding -ed and -ing endings to the base word.
 Make a mini book about the characters, setting and plot based on the story Mr. Tanen's Tie Trouble
Practice words with consonant blends str.
Learn and practice homographs.
Review pronouns and use them in sentences.

Group 3-

Spelling words:air, wear, chair, stairs, bear, bare, hair, scare, compare, fair,Bonus: prepare, care
Vocabulary words:recycle, project, dripping, carton, complicated, pollution, rubbish, hardly, shade, global
Practice spelling and vocabulary words
Students will practice to Decode, read, spell multi syllable words with air, ear, and are
 Read the humorous fiction Judy Moody Saves The World and discuss why it is important to take care of our world.
Review  adjectives.Review past, present and future tense verbs.
SPB pages and grab n go w/s

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Image result for winter image

The Week of March 5, 2018

Group 1
Spelling words: when, whip, fish,brush,phone,rush,shed
Vocabulary word:down, green, open, fall, grow, yellow, goes, new

Review the sounds for the consonants digraphs sh, ph and wh. Practice to read words with sh, ph, wh.
Read the lesson Seasons and discuss what changes each season brings.

Group 2
Spelling words: running, clapped, stopped, hopping, batted,selling,slipped, melting,wrapped,grinning
Vocabulary words:received, account, budget, disappointed, chuckled, staring, repeated, fund

Practice spelling and vocabulary words.
Practice adding -ed and -ing endings to the base word.
Discuss the topic Helping others and what are the different ways we can help people. We will take turns to read the Realistic fiction Mr. Tanen's Tie Trouble and discuss how helping others can help us feel good.
Review pronouns and use them in sentences.

Group 3-

Spelling words: curly, dirt,worry,third, turn, stir, firm, Thursday, report,word Bonus:concert hamburger
Vocabulary words:festive, ingredients, degrees, recommended, anxiously,cross, remarked, tense
Practice spelling and vocabulary words
Students will practice  r controlled words.
Complete reading the humorous fiction The Extra Good Sunday and discuss the characters and how illustration helps with the better understanding of the story events.
Review kinds of pronouns.Review past, present and future tense verbs.
SPB pages and grab n go w/s