Tuesday, June 5, 2018

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The Week of June 4, 2018

Group 1

Spelling words: her, fern, girl, bird, fur, hurt, stir, turn
vocabulary words: baby, begins, eight, follow, learning, until, years, young
Student will practice to blend and decode words with r controlled vowels er, ir, ur.
Read the story Peacock And Crane  in Write in Reader and answer the questions.Discuss how animals are different and have special body parts that help them to do amazing things. Read the informational text Amazing Animals and discuss how animals are different in their looks and abilities..
 We will complete our MARE Whale poster

Group 2

Spelling words:took, books, foot, nook, stood, hood, good, shook, looking,cookies bonus:crooked, bookcase
Vocabulary: exact, discovered, remove, growled, amazed, explained, guard, souvenirs
Students will learn that the letters oo, ew, ue and ou can stand for the /oo/in boot.students will practice to segment sounds in words.Discuss the vocabulary words and their meanings.Discuss how fossils can be found all over the world and how they help to learn about the past.We will learn that a biography tells about the events in a person's life. We will read together the biography The Dog That Dug For Dinosaurs. we will discuss the essential questions  while we read.
We will complete our MARE Whale posterGroup 3
Spellig Words:below, about, between, behind, around, because, alone, begin, along, before, bonus: awhile, beyond
Vocabualry: worried, certainly, raise, afford, applause, anxiously, dramatic, guided, ingredients, fetch

students will learn to use words that begins with a- and be-. 
Discuss that adults and children could work together and learn from each other and help each other.Take turns to read the realistic fiction Saving Buster.We will discuss the essential question how children and adults learn from each other.

Students will practice to use the pronouns I and me in sentences. Pronoun I is used only as the subject of a sentence and me is used as an object in a sentence.
  We will complete our MARE Whale poster