Monday, January 28, 2019

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Grade 1 Math
The Week of January 28
This week  the students will start a new chapter on comparing numbers.Students will model groups with cubes and compare them. They will practice to  compare two digit numbers by modeling each number with base ten blocks.First they will use the models to  compare the tens by lining up the models one above the other, the number with more tens is greater.They will also use the ones blocks to compare the ones digits.

Monday, January 7, 2019

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Grade 1 Math
The Week of January 7
This week  the students will practice to count up by ones and tens up to 120.Children will develop the understanding of the base ten number system.We will use models to represent ones and tens.Children will identify that when counting down a column in a counting chart, how the left digit increase by one and the right digit does not change.