Monday, February 5, 2018

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The Week of February 5, 2018

Group 1

Spelling words: them, with, bath, thin, thump,than
Vocabulary words: blue, little,water, cold, live, where, far, their
Student will practice to blend  words with digraph th.
 Practice to read words with inflectional endings -s -es, -ed, -ing
Read The Duck Nest and find words with-s -es, -ing endings..
Read the Informational Text At Home In the Ocean and discuss the kinds of plants and animals that you find in the ocean.
Writing: Valentines Day
Group 2
Spelling words: tray, plain, stain, hay, gray, away, team, speak, sneeze, sheep, meaning, weave
Vocabulary words:culture, community, languages, transportation, subjects, lessons, special, wear

Practice spelling and vocabulary words.
Students will learn that the vowel pairs ai can stand for the long a sound as in aim  and the vowel teams ay can stand for the long a sound as in spray.

Practice learning the sounds for vowel digraphs that ee and ea stands for long e sound as in leap and sheep and can be in the beginning, middle or end of a word.
Review action verbs as an action someone or something does or did..
Practice using quotation marks in sentences.Read Guide Dog school.
Writing: Valentines Day

Group 3-

Spelling words:choice, spoil, noise, toy,there, their,won, one,hour, our bonus:road rode
Vocabulary words:risky, grunted, profit, crops, plucked, scowled, tugged, hollered
Students will practice to decode words with oi and oy.
Students will learn that homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and has different meanings.We will Read the informational text  Goodness Grows In Gardens and compare the gardens in both stories.
Learn that an Idiom is  an expression with a special meaning different from the usual meanings.

Writing: Valentines Day .

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