Tuesday, January 2, 2018

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Happy New Year

The Week of January 2, 2018

Group 1

Spelling words:yes, let, red, step, ,sled, nest
Vocabulary words: read, was, draw, pictures, write, after
Student will practice to blend  words with short e and  consonants s blends 
Listen to the fluent reading The Little Red hen and find the meaning of vocabulary words used.
Read the story Scott And His Red Pen and answer the questions in the Write in Reader.
We will learn that a biography tells about events in a real person's life. We will read the lesson Dr. Seuss and discuss what makes a story funny.
Group 2
Vocabulary words: millions, choices, drift, simple, weaker, wrapped, disgusting, decide
Spelling words: I'm, don't, isn't, can't, we'll, it's, smaller, strongest, louder, tallest
High Frequency words: because, better, go, me, old, really, right, they, was, you
Practice spelling and vocabulary words.
Students will learn that contractions are shortened form of two words and an apostrophe takes the place of letter/letters that are dropped.Practice contractions.
Students will listen to the passage Sharks on The Run and find the meaning of the highlighted words.
We will take a picture walk on the Lesson Jellies and look for the photos and captions relating to each topic.We will take turns to read the informational lesson Jellies and answer the essential questions on each page.

Students will learn that future tense verb tells an action that is going to happen and need to add will before the verb
Group 3-
Spelling words:clown, round, bow, cloud, power, crown, thousand,shower,found,loud,Bonus: mountain, house
Vocabulary words:familiar, applause, vacant, rickety, blurry, blasted, jerky, rude
Students will learn to Decode, read, spell vowel diphthongs ow, ou
Practice spelling and vocabulary words and their  meanings.
Read Puppets Around The World and answer the questions on write-in reader.
Listen to the fluent reading The Magical Art of Mime and find the meanings of vocabulary words.
Read the realistic fiction Kamishibai Man and discuss the essential questions.

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