The Week of January 29, 2018
Group 1
Spelling words: that, then, this, both,path,math
Vocabulary words: blue, little,water, cold, live, where, far, their
Student will practice to blend words with digraph th.
Read Pup's bath in write-In reader and answer the questions.
Read the Informational Text At Home In the Ocean and discuss the kinds of plants and animals that you find in the ocean
Group 2
Spelling words: pay, wait, paint, train, pail, clay, free, teach, teeth, please, beach, wheel
Vocabulary words:culture, community, languages, transportation, subjects, lessons, special, wear
Practice spelling and vocabulary words.
Students will learn that the vowel pairs ai can stand for the long a sound as in aim and the vowel teams ay can stand for the long a sound as in spray.
Practice learning the sounds for vowel digraphs that ee and ea stands for long e sound as in leap and sheep and can be in the beginning, middle or end of a word.
Students will discuss the topic differences in school around the world.we will read the informational text Schools Around The World and discuss how some schools are different from each other.
Group 3-
Spelling words:joy, point, boy, join, oil, coin, noise, hole, whole,hear, here bonus:peace, piece
Vocabulary words:risky, grunted, profit, crops, plucked, scowled, tugged, hollered
Students will practice to decode words with oi and oy.
Students will learn that homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and has different meanings.Discuss the term agriculture and how some crops grow above ground and some underground. We learn that Trickster Tales tell about a character who tires to trick another character in a story.We will read the story Tops and Bottoms and discuss the characters and the essential questions.
The Week of January 22, 2018
Group 1
Spelling words:fun, bus, run, hand, pond,must
Vocabulary words: eat, put, give, small, one, take
Student will practice to blend words with short u and final -ump blends
Read Who Likes to Jump? and find words with -ump blends.
We will learn that a fantasy tells about made up people animals and events. We will read the fantasy A Cupcake party. We will discuss the importance of caring our friends while we read..
Group 2
Spelling words: names, bells,stamps, dishes, grapes,classes,buzzes,matches,fences,stitches
Vocabulary words:understand, gathered, impatient, impossible,believe, problem, demand, furious
Practice spelling and vocabulary words.
Students will practice words with ending sounds /s/ and /z/ in words such as books, girls, lakes and washes. students will learn that ending -es is added to base words that often end with s, ss, x, z, sh, ch,tch.
Finish reading the story Click Clack Moo Cows that Type and discuss that words that sounds like noises helps the reader imagine what is happening. Discuss the characters and settings in the story.
Review words with prefixes pre- and mis-
Review singular and plural nouns.
Group 3-
Spelling words:chalk,also, raw ,salt, wall, lawn ,always ,almost, belong, false Bonus: strawberry,soft
Vocabulary words:invention, experiment, laboratory, genius, gadget, electric, signal, occasional
Students will practice to decode words with aw, al, au and o Students will learn that a followed by an l stands for the sound /aw/ like in salt and o can sometimes stands for the sound /aw/.
Discuss the topic Inventions and how they help people.Learn that a biography tells the true story of a person' life. We will read the biography Thomas Edison and and discuss the important traits an inventor should have..
The Week of January 15, 2018
Group 1
Spelling words:us, sun, but, lamp, jump, pump
Vocabulary words: eat, put, give, small, one, take
Student will practice to blend words with short u and final -ump blends
Read the story Who Can help Cat? and answer the questions in the Write in Reader.
Read Who Likes to Jump? and find words with -ump blends.
We will learn that a fantasy tells about made up people animals and events. We will read the fantasy A Cupcake party. We will discuss the importance of caring our friends while we read..
Group 2
Spelling words: hens, eggs ducks, bikes,boxes, wishes, dresses,foxes,glasses,bushes
Vocabulary words:understand, gathered, impatient, impossible,believe, problem, demand, furious
Students will listen to the passage Don't play cards with Dogs in The room and find the meanings of the highlighted words in the passage
Practice spelling and vocabulary words.
Students will practice words with ending sounds /s/ and /z/ in words such as books, girls, lakes and washes. students will learn that ending -es is added to base words that often end with s, ss, x, z, sh, ch,tch.
Read the story The Play date in write in reader and answer the questions.
Review singular and plural nouns.
Group 3-
Spelling words:talk, cross, awful,law, cloth, cost, crawl, sauce,mall,,yawn Bonus: small, often
Vocabulary words:invention, experiment, laboratory, genius, gadget, electric, signal, occasional
Students will practice to decode words with aw, al, au and o Students will learn that a followed by an l stands for the sound /aw/ like in salt and o can sometimes stands for the sound /aw/.
Students will read the story Aleck's Big Ideas and answer the questions in write in reader.
Discuss the topic Inventions and how they help people.Learn that a biography tells the true story of a person' life. We will read the biography Thomas Edison and and discuss the important traits an inventor should have..
Happy New Year
The Week of January 2, 2018
Group 1
Spelling words:yes, let, red, step, ,sled, nest
Vocabulary words: read, was, draw, pictures, write, after
Student will practice to blend words with short e and consonants s blends
Listen to the fluent reading The Little Red hen and find the meaning of vocabulary words used.
Read the story Scott And His Red Pen and answer the questions in the Write in Reader.
We will learn that a biography tells about events in a real person's life. We will read the lesson Dr. Seuss and discuss what makes a story funny.
Group 2
Vocabulary words: millions, choices, drift, simple, weaker, wrapped, disgusting, decide
Spelling words: I'm, don't, isn't, can't, we'll, it's, smaller, strongest, louder, tallest
High Frequency words: because, better, go, me, old, really, right, they, was, you
Practice spelling and vocabulary words.
Students will learn that contractions are shortened form of two words and an apostrophe takes the place of letter/letters that are dropped.Practice contractions.
Students will listen to the passage Sharks on The Run and find the meaning of the highlighted words.
We will take a picture walk on the Lesson Jellies and look for the photos and captions relating to each topic.We will take turns to read the informational lesson Jellies and answer the essential questions on each page.
Students will learn that future tense verb tells an action that is going to happen and need to add will before the verb
Group 3-
Spelling words:clown, round, bow, cloud, power, crown, thousand,shower,found,loud,Bonus: mountain, house
Vocabulary words:familiar, applause, vacant, rickety, blurry, blasted, jerky, rude
Students will learn to Decode, read, spell vowel diphthongs ow, ou
Practice spelling and vocabulary words and their meanings.
Read Puppets Around The World and answer the questions on write-in reader.
Listen to the fluent reading The Magical Art of Mime and find the meanings of vocabulary words.
Read the realistic fiction Kamishibai Man and discuss the essential questions.