Tuesday, April 25, 2017

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The Week of April 24th

Grade 2 L/A

Vocabulary words:practice, hurried, position, roared, extra, curb, cheered, final
Spelling words:night, kind, spy, child, light, find, try, pie, child,why
High Frequency words: any, blue, carry, doing, else, room, studied, sure, teacher, turned
Students will  learn the sounds in words with  long i spelled i, ie, igh, y.Students will
 take turns to read the realistic fiction, Luke Goes To Bat and discuss the essential questions on each page. Identify and understand antonyms using sentence context.
This week we will start a new chapter on Measurement. Students will learn that objects can be measured and will compare line segments drawn on the board using the vocabulary terms shorter and shortest.Students will make their own ruler using color tiles and measure objects like, pencils, markers, crayons in the class.As they use colors to shade each inch, they visualize the length of an inch.