Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Image result for winter images

The week of 12/12/2016

Language Arts Grade 2

Vocabulary words: blooming, shovels, scent, tough, wrinkled, plain, muscles, nodded

Spelling words: dress, spell, class, full, add, neck

This week we will  work on  the sound/ spellings for words with double consonants and ck .We will review plural nouns as nouns for special, people, place and things Students will take turns to read the  realistic fiction The Ugly Vegetables and   answer essential question on each page  while we read.We will
 learn to use information from text and pictures to draw conclusions. Review complete sentences.

Math Grade 2 

This week students will learn to write repeated addition sentences about a group of objects arranged in multiple rows of equal numbers of objects.Students will use connecting cubes to make arrays.

Monday, October 24, 2016

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The week of 10/24/2016

Language Arts Grade 2
Vocabulary words:insect, dangerous, scare, sticky, rotten, screaming, breeze, judge
Spelling words:doze, nose, use, rose,pole, close, cute, woke

This week we will  work on  spelling/ sounds correspondence of  words with long o, u, e vowel   sounds. We will nouns.Students will take turns to read the humorous fiction   Diary Of  a  Spider and answer the essential question on each page  while we read.We will also try to find examples from the story where the author  makes the character Spider act and speak like a person.
Writing :Halloween story
Home work:
Monday : ABC order
Tuesday: Use the words in sentences
Wednesday: Write the words three times
Thursday: study spelling words
Friday: spelling test
Home work is due the next day.

Math Grade 2

This week we will work on finding the number patterns by counting by tens and hundreds for 3 digit numbers. We will also use the < > and = to  compare three digit numbers.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The week of 10/11/2016

Language Arts Grade 2

Vocabulary words:hairy, litter,mammals, stayed
Spelling words:cake, mine, ate plate, size grape, sister, bird

This week we will  work on  spelling/ sounds correspondence of  words with long a, i vowel   sounds. We will review parts of a simple sentence.  We will read together the informational text Dogs and will answer the essential questions on each page while we read.We will also try to analyze and evaluate the author's purpose in writing  about this section.
Writing :Halloween story
Home work:
Monday : ABC order
Tuesday: Use the words in sentences
Wednesday: Write the words three times
Thursday: study spelling words
Friday: spelling test
Home work is due the next day.

Math Grade 2

This week we will start a new chapter on numbers to 1000.Students are introduced to the concept of one hundred as being composed of 10 tens.Students will use base ten cubes to make 10 groups of 10 items each.We will also practice to write three digit numbers with place values.
Home work is due the next day.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Image result for fall

The week of 10/3/2016

Language Arts Grade 2

 Vocabulary Words: porch, piano,stuck, spend
Spelling words: left, help, plum, nut, net, hot

This week we will continue to work on words with short o,u and e sounds. We will review parts of a simple sentence.  We will revisit the lesson  My Family and answer the questions on the student practice page. Students will read the poems on the Family poetry section and discuss the  repeated and rhyming words in the poems.We will add details to our narrative writing about My Family.
Home work:
Monday : ABC order
Tuesday: Use the words in sentences
Wednesday: Write the words three times
Thursday: study spelling words
Friday: spelling test
Home work is due the next day.

Math Grade 2

Students will use a hundredth chart to practice counting sequences by 1s, 5s and 10s. Children work in small groups to write various kinds of counting sequences We will review chapter 1 concepts by taking a chapter test.
Home work is due the next day.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Image result for fall images

The week of 9/26/2016

Language Arts Grade 2

 Vocabulary Words: cousin, visit, crown, remembered
Spelling words: wet, job, hug, rest, spot, mud 

This week we will work on words with short o,u and e sounds. We will work together on lesson 2 Family parties on Write-In reader and answer the questions.Students will listen to the fluent reading More Than a Best Friend and find the meanings of the vocabulary words used in the passage. We will read together the informational text My Family and look for answers for  the essential question What are things that families like to do together.
Home work:
Monday : ABC order
Tuesday: Use the words in sentences
Wednesday: Write the words three times
Thursday: study spelling words
Friday: spelling test
Home work is due the next day.

Math Grade 2

Students will learn to write the 2 digit numbers in expanded form the sum of the value of the ten digit and the value of the ones digit.We will use base ten blocks and place values charts understand the different forms of a number.
Home work is due the next day.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Image result for fall

The week of 9/19 /2016

Language Arts Grade 2

 Vocabulary Words: collars, floppy, drooled, weighed
Spelling words: win, if, mask, rip, cap,jam 

This week we will work more on words with short a and i  sounds. We will work  on CVC pattern to identify syllables in spoken words. Students will revisit  the story Henry and Mudge and try to find the sequence of order of events that happens in the story. Read the informational text All in the Family and compare how the animals are different and alike from Mudge in the other story
Home work:
Monday : ABC order
Tuesday: Use the words in sentences
Wednesday: Write the words three times
Thursday: study spelling words
Friday: spelling test
Home work is due the next day.

Math Grade 2

Students will use place value to describe values of digits in two digit numbers.Students  are introduced to place value positions of ones and tens. Children use base ten models and cubes to see the value of each digit in a number. They also practice to draw quick pictures to represent two digit numbers 
Home work is due the next day.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Mrs.Mathew's Blog

Image result for school images

Welcome back to School!

The week of 9/12/2016

Language Arts Grade 2

 Vocabulary Words: curly, row, stood ,straight

Spelling Words:sad, glad, dig, flat, list, fix

This week we will work on words with short a and i  sounds. Students will listen to the story Henry and Mudge and try to answer the essential questions while we read. We will also try to understand the characters and sequence in the story.
Home work:
Monday : ABC order
Tuesday: Use the words in sentences
Wednesday: Write the words three times
Thursday: study spelling words
Friday: spelling test
Home work is due the next day.

Math Grade 2

Students will learn to classify numbers as even or odd. Students will use the ten frames and cubes to explore even numbers. they will count out cubes and put them in pairs. Students will learn that even numbers always come with pairs and odd numbers has no pairs and will always have left over.
Home work is due the next day.